Scott Robert World Tour: Paris – Je t’aime! | Michelle Nicole Photography

Bonjour.  Un café au lait s’il vous plaît.

My typical morning routine.  Get up, shower, walk to a cafe, and order a coffee with milk.  Add an additional pastry if I was hungry.  Drink coffee during lecture.  Maybe order an additional coffee after lecture if I was extra sleepy.  I don’t know how much I love coffee, but it was a major necessity for our entire trip, it woke us up every morning to experience something new and extraordinary.

Two weeks ago, I traveled to Paris, France for my third international Scott Robert Workshop.  I was excited because this was my first time to Europe, and didn’t know what to expect.  I’ve been told that Paris, the Romantic City, is a magical place for everyone.  It was a magical place for Scott, ten years ago when he visited with his wonderful wife, Stacey.  The very first day of our workshop, Scott told his story about Paris – how it was one of his first times shooting film, and he went through over 40 rolls of film by the time he got home.  One of his favorite memorabilia, his Paris book from Stacey, is still a token he cherishes til this day.

Scott sharing the book he received from Stacey 10 years ago.

Paris is also a special city for Marie-Lyssa, one of Scott’s mentees.  This was a workshop where she found many answers to her journey and the moment she went home, she soared.  I met Lyssa in NYC and it was such an inspiration and gift for her to come.  She’s such a beautiful person and I’m so honored to know her.  When we met in NYC, she shared her journey, but ever since I last saw her, she shared part two of her journey, just six months later.  She accomplished everything she wanted to achieve, and she’s still going.  She’s amazing.

Lyssa, introducing B before his talk.

Bandele Zuberi, B, surprised us and showed up for this week.  Scott raved about Bandele during his workshops, and it was an honor to finally meet him.  Getting to know B was fantastic, especially when  and he shared his inspirational journey on the last day.  When Lyssa and B reunited, they created a synergy like no other.  Lyssa and B respect each other 110% and it shows throughout both their positive energy.  Paris was also a magical place for B.

For the first few days when I arrived, Paris didn’t feel magical yet.  It felt like I was in San Francisco, but the building architecture was slightly different, and the people spoke French.  After visiting the Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Arc de Triumph, sitting in a few cafes, watching couples make out on every street corner and so much more, I began to feel the magic this romantic city offered.  An idea hit me in the middle of this week and became a newfound idea.  Execution is now key.

In addition to having a few of Scott’s mentees attend, I met a fantastic group of SR people from Canada, Pittsburg, Texas, Wisconsin, Indonesia, Slovenia, UK, Los Angeles, and also had friends from home.  Together during the entire week, we created an incredible synergy during our shoots, helped each other out, and showed by our littlest actions how much we wanted each to succeed.

A lot of attendees already had a nicely grounded business and attended to improve their craft and grow.  It was amazing to see people still continue to better themselves and learn more.  Since we had so many people in varying journies, I gained so much from other people’s stories.  We were able to help each other jump hurdles to get to our next step.  This workshop was definitely different from the rest I’ve attended, but better.

Thank you everyone for such a wonderful workshop and trip.  Thank you Scott for continually pushing us to achieve excellence.  You are such a fantastic mentor and helped me achieve to where I am today!

Here are a few shots from the week!  More to be posted in part two!!

Maisons L'affitte!

Maisons Laffitte was a place where we shot for an entire day.  This is where horse racing was invented!

The Eiffel Tower at night. At midnight, it sparkled and it was magical!

Outside our hotel. That's the Raspil Metro Station.

Bonjour! This man stopped and posed right when I was ready to take a picture!



The Scott Robert Paris 2011 Workshop!

Wine + Photography. Mandie's necklace from Etsy.


Delicious Coffee, Tea, and Dessert time at Laduree!

Thank you mom & dad for your continuous support, thank you Curtis, and thank you to all of my SR Community.  Thank you Jenny Shung, my wonderful roomie all the way back from China!  Without you all + Scott, I wouldn’t be in Paris!  AND, I wouldn’t have done Pari-Roller with two awesome girls, Phoebe and Lyndsey!!!!



Are you interested in taking your photography to the next level but not sure how?  Consider investing in a workshop.  There are many photographers out there that offer workshops all around the world, but very few that will make an impact and make you want to come back.  Scott Robert’s workshop is about discovery, inspiration, and community.  Discover who you are.  Get inspired.  Join the fantastic community.


Where will I be in 2011?

  • Maui & Oahu, Hawaii – August 11-19th, 2011
  • Bahamas – December 2011

See my 2011 special Wedding Pricing!

Have questions?  Want to book a shoot?  Leave me a comment OR e-mail me and I’ll get back to you!:

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  • ArianeApril 7, 2011 - 5:18 am

    Wonderful wonderful wonderful!!! Great story Michelle! I miss being there already but I know all of us took away something special that will help us to continue towards greatness. So glad I got to meet you! Love your photos!! Especially the one with Phoebe in the castle; so poetic :)! Talk to you soon!ReplyCancel

  • lyssaApril 8, 2011 - 12:21 pm

    Hey Michelle,

    Wow I am catching up on my reading now and came across your blog!! WOW!! You have a talent in documenting and sharing experiences. reading this i was re-living every single moment again.. This was one of the most magical experiences for me and what takes it to the other level is the people i get to share it with. I am so glad i have met with you too. You are adorable and so full of life. Keep at it I know you will get your own journey off the ground.! Thanks for being so kind 🙂 MLReplyCancel

  • […]  Additionally, we went to Paris, France together for a Scott Robert Photography Workshop (Paris Part 1 / Paris Part 2) and randonner en roller dans Paris tous le vendreis soir at Pari […]ReplyCancel

  • […]  Additionally, we went to Paris, France together for a Scott Robert Photography Workshop (Paris Part 1 / Paris Part 2) and randonner en roller dans Paris tous le vendreis soir at Pari […]ReplyCancel